Zum Hauptinhalt wechseln

Hello, everyone! My name is Vivian Flores. I'm a freshman at the University of North Texas majoring in Information Technology. I'm looking forward to working with you all!

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A little about me

I plan on becoming an information analyst after graduating from UNT. Some skills I have is teamwork, communication, and critical thinking skills. My passion for computers came from one of the people I look up to my older brother, Irbin.

Throughout my college journey, I plan to get other certifications while working towards my bachelor's degree and gain experience through internships.


One thing that I do whenever I'm not studying is go to the gym. I enjoy running as it helps relieve me of my thoughts. I also enjoy lifting weights. I have a huge amount of respect for people who show up to the gym to better themselves in whatever way they want. I love being surrounded by people with that type of mindset.

Fun facts

One fun fact about me is that I love cats. I've always had a soft spot for cats and prefer them over dogs! I have a cat myself his name is Cofe. Another fun fact is I love reading! I read books and comics. One of my favorite comics is called To Love Your Enemy. Thirdly, I love traveling and I plan on traveling in the future.

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Wikis, zu denen ich beigetragen habe

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Vivian Flores








Mitglied seit 08/28/24

Hello Everyone, I'm a student at the University of North Texas. My major is Information Technology.
