Benutze diese Anleitung, um den Akku in deinem Samsung Galaxy S10e zu ersetzen.
Der Akku ist stark verklebt. Hochkonzentrierter Isopropylalkohol (mind. 90%) vereinfacht den Ausbau des Akkus.
Entlade deinen Akku aus Sicherheitsgründen auf unter 25%, bevor du dein Gerät auseinanderbaust. Falls der Akku während der Reparatur versehentlich beschädigt wird, ist so das Risiko eines gefährlichen Feuers oder einer Explosion geringer.
Falls dein Akku aufgebläht ist, musst du entsprechende Vorsichtsmaßnahmen treffen. In diesem Fall darfst du dein Gerät nicht erhitzen.
Was du brauchst
Schalte das Smartphone vor Reparaturbeginn komplett aus.
Bereite einen iOpener vor und erhitze damit etwa zwei Minuten lang die rechte Kante auf der Rückseite des Smartphones. Dadurch wird der Kleber, mit dem die Rückabdeckung befestigt ist, aufgeweicht.
In den folgenden Schritten wirst du den Kleber durchtrennen, mit dem die Rückabdeckung befestigt ist.
Von Außen gesehen sind die Bereiche, die du durchtrennen musst, entsprechend markiert.
Auf der rechten Seite des Smartphones ist der Kleber am dünnsten, und zwar direkt unter der Bixby-Taste.
My S10e was two years old so the adhesive was really weak, and it was really simple to open. Still, this guide was totally useful.
That's encouraging, hopefully the older-than-2 years S10e I'm looking to do proves as easy to open-
Gee Foe -
Setze einen Saugheber so nahe wie möglich an der erhitzten Kante auf die Rückabdeckung, direkt unter die Bixby-Taste, wo der Kleber am dünnsten ist.
La ventouse n'adhérera pas correctement sur la partie incurvée de la vitre ,
Sur la partie incurvée de la coque.
It is 2024 and I had a difficult time with creating the initial gap. I applies the heat tube for a little longer and that worked. The back of the phone basically came entirely off after the initial opening
Lege etwas unter die erhitze Kante des Smartphone, das etwa 13 mm (0,5") dick ist. Das vereinfacht das Einsetzen eines Öffnungswerkzeugs.
Hebe die rechte Kante der Rückabdeckung mithilfe des Saughebers an, sodass ein kleiner Spalt zwischen Rückabdeckung und Rahmen entsteht.
Das kann einiges an Kraft erfordern. Falls du Schwierigkeiten hast, erwärme die Kante noch etwas mehr, um den Kleber aufzuweichen, und versuche es erneut. Der Kleber kühlt sehr schnell ab, sodass er eventuell mehrfach erhitzt werden muss.
Setze die Kante eines Öffnungswerkzeugs in den Spalt.
Schiebe das Öffnungswerkzeug an der rechten Kante des Smartphones entlang, um den Kleber, mit dem die Rückabdeckung befestigt ist, zu durchtrennen.
I found that using opening picks for the entire repair was much easier then the pry tool, but that could just be me
You are criminals! This "tutorial" is full of destructive instructions. And whenever trying to make a comment, iFixid admin hides behind the bot personality telling: "Your comment was marked as spam"
People, do not trust them! They tell you everything to break your phone so you will need to bring it to service!You are criminals! No one ever should use the triangular "mediator" pick for iPhones, or planar connector picks! The back cover is NOT gorilla-glass, and it will crack in multiple places immediately! Only very thin "watchmaker" opening plates(initial pickup) and 0.1mm rigid PP stripes (cut from cheap tool packages, or 7-eleven food packs) may be used there. Before that the side rim - not the cover itself should be heated to boiling point and constantly re-heated while tearing the two-sided scotch. The opening strip may be replaced 2-3 times while reaching the opposite side, because it collects the torn glue. This instruction from iFixit is a pure sabotage for tricking non-expecting users to repair-shops.
The same goes to battery, if you don't risk using solvents, which may damage the screen and the circuit. Only rounded PP strips may tear off the battery scotch. It should be preheated from the screen side, until the battery becomes hot.The commenter who keeps saying "you are criminals" over and over may have been using this guide to repair a different phone, so he or she is confused. On the Galaxy S10e, I had no trouble heating and lifting the cover as described (though I had to reheat the iOpener several times). If you heat it gently with the iOpener and long enough, you're not stressing the back cover because the glue will come loose almost immediately. (I could have almost lifted it with a fingernail).
Setze ein Plektrum in die Kante beim Öffnungswerkzeug ein. Lasse es dort stecken, damit sich der Kleber nicht wieder verbinden kann.
Lege einen erhitzen iOpener zwei Minuten lang auf die Oberkante des Smartphones.
Setze ein Plektrum oben bei der rechten Ecke ein und schiebe es um die Ecke herum und an der Oberkante des Smartphones entlang.
Lasse das Plektrum stecken, damit sich der Kleber nicht wieder verbindet.
Lege einen erhitzten iOpener zwei Minuten lang auf die linke Kante des Smartphones.
Setzte ein neues Plektrum nahe der linken oberen Ecke ein und schiebe es an der linken Kante des Smartphones entlang.
Lasse auch hier das Plektrum in der linken Ecke stecken, damit sich der Kleber nicht wieder verbindet.
Lege einen erhitzen iOpener zwei Minuten lang auf die Unterkante des Smartphones.
Setze ein Plektrum bei der unteren Ecke ein und schiebe es an der Unterkante entlang, um den Kleber zu durchtrennen.
Benutze die Plektren, um die Rückabdeckung sehr vorsichtig hochzuhebeln.
Falls du Widerstand spürst, höre mit dem Hebeln auf und benutze ein Plektrum, um den restlichen Kleber zu durchtrennen.
Entferne die Rückabdeckung.
This should be the very last step in the guide, but the edit button seems to only allow editing the content, not the positioning in the guide. Not sure how to fix this.
The photo seems to show someone lifting the old glue off with tweezers. That certainly wasn't true for my glue! I scrubbed it off with isopropyl alcohol and fabric. (Don't use a paper towel or Kleenex because they fall apart. I used a postage-stamp-size square cut from an old athletic sock. With this and the alcohol I was able to get the cover and the phone as clean as they were at the factory.
When doing this, hold the phone at an angle in your other hand so any alcohol dribble to the outside and not to anywhere important.
Entferne die acht 3,9 mm Kreuzschlitzschrauben, mit denen der obere Mittelrahmen am Smartphone befestigt ist.
Again, criminal lies! These screws have different length! Take notes which are where! There are at least 4 versions of antenna/coil modules, so each time it may be a little different.
Interesting observation! I did not see this comment until after I reassembled the midframe and closed everything, so I can not confirm. If true, I either got lucky or it didn't matter.
WL1 -
I'll note this and see about maintaining the same order for reinstallation -
Gee Foe -
The screws on my SM-G970F/DS were all identical.
Schiebe ein Plektrum unter die untere rechte Ecke des oberen Mittelrahmens, um den Kleber zu durchtrennen, mit dem er am unteren Mittelrahmen befestigt ist.
Setze die Spitze eines Spudgers in den kleinen Ausschnitt auf der rechten Kante des Bereichs aus Plastik des oberen Mittelrahmens bei der Bixby-Taste ein.
Heble den Mittelrahmen mithilfe der Spudgerspitze vom Rahmen des Smartphones ab.
Criminals! These instructions are given for breaking your phone! Never use the puncher-picker! The antenna module, after gently unglued in the single spot, is pulled down! Not up! DOWN, I said! And it comes off without any force. Minimal force will be required to push it back (after putting it flat on place).
Hebe den Mittelrahmen an dem Bereich aus Plastik an und entferne ihn aus dem Smartphone.
In my phone there was a lot of residual adhesive on the top section, so I initially just flapped it over like a hinge while I finished the other steps. For me, I found, and it should be emphasized, for the reinstall, the top edge needs to be placed flat and snapped UP into the chassis for it to fit.
Hebe den Akkustecker mit dem flachen Ende des Spudgers hoch und trenne ihn von seinem Anschluss ab.
This manual is a pure SABOTAGE! Never pick up the connector from the camera side! You risk damaging the camera, and the connector itself. Pick it up gently in two steps from left first, then from right, if it does not jump up immediately.
In diesem Schritt verwendetes Werkzeug:iFixit Adhesive Remover$19.99
Lege etwas unter die Unterkante des Smartphones, sodass der Klebstoffentferner von der Unterkante des Akkus zur Oberkante fließen kann.
Träufle 1 - 2 Tropfen Isopropylalkohol oder Klebstoffentferner an der Unterkante des Akkus entlang. Lasse ihn mehrere Minuten einwirken, um den Kleber aufzuweichen.
Advice: DO NOT USE TO MUCH ISOPROPANOL! This will damage your display and you will most likely have to replace it. If you know that you won't use this battery anymore just lever it out of the case. It is fairly easy to do with the ifixit Jimmy ( Item # IF145-259-1 ) or the metal spudger. Use these tools with much sensitivity as you could damage the battery case or the display that is right below the battery ( See Step 22 for additional pictures where the frame ends and the screen begins ). Good Luck!
Very valuble tip, thank you! I was going to douse it with probably way more than needed.
I started just with some moderate force jimmying it with the black plastic spudger. I then applied just a few drops of isopranol 90% and the bottom section loosened very easily.
WL1 -
I found the black levering tool did not provide enough force and damaged the tool. I found the blue picks gave me wider and safer leverage to get the battery out.
Also a couple of passes with isopropanol was required before I could make any progress. Note that while you are prying from the bottom, I applied the isoproponal all around the battery as the glue is located all the way around.
better to use a length of fishing line or dental floss and slide it under the battery .. very smooth
Good tip! I put a bit of 99% isopropyl alcohol on the floss as well. Took a bit of finagling with the pointy end of the spudger to get it around the bottom end of the battery (opposite end of the battery connector), but the floss combined with the 99% IPA worked very well with ungluing the battery.
Defi -
Do not use alcohol or other liquids! This way I completely ruined my phone. The screen doesn't work. The motherboard is damaged.
I have used iOpener on screen and it allowed to remove battery without damage to phone. Just heat the iOpener, place it on screen on side where the battery is, and leave it for a few minutes. Check with blue pick on bottom side if battery budges, if not repeat everything. I needed around 4 times to finally take out the battery.
Benutze das flache Ende eines Spudgers, um den Akku vorsichtig aus dem Smartphone zu hebeln. Heble fest und gleichmäßig.
Falls du größeren Widerstand spürst oder der Akku anfängt, sich zu verformen, musst du den vorherigen Schritt wiederholen, um den Kleber noch mehr aufzuweichen.
That spot at the bottom was the only point with enough clearance for me to start prying, and just allowing it to slowly start separating got the battery out. A very slow process as I was seeing the adhesive come off in a continuous strip, so I did it slowly enough for it to remain intact for reuse, which I did.
Entferne den Akku.
Wenn du Alkohol verwendet hast, dann lasse ihn erst zehn Minuten lang verdunsten, bevor du einen neuen Akku einbaust.
Some final tips for anyone else about to attempt this:
It was unclear just how much of the residual adhesive to remove from both the back plate and the phone frame. Would leaving just a little affect the seal? I eventually realized (probably later than most) the back plate adhesive is a large cutout sticker, exactly the same as the ifixit provided one. If you can pull up a small edge and have access to some small clamping forceps (hemostat for medical folks), you can use this to slowly peel off the sticker all the way around. There are 2 small 'islands' of adhesive you will need to peel off separately. Removing all of this from the backplate is definitely needed, otherwise attaching a sticker of adhesive onto the old one will be too thick.
For the phone frame, I used the spudger to push around some adhesive but didn't worry too much about it. It is harder to aggressively work on this side as all the adjacent electronics are sensitive.
When placing the ifixit backplate adhesive, you must be VERY precise when setting down your first edge. The backplate has some curvature, and you want the edge of the first edge to be JUST inside that curve. Then slowly press down the sticker until the other long end seats down. You want to make sure you push from the middle to the other edge, so that it will align on that curvature instead of just straight down.
The instructions are correct--you really only get 1 chance to place it. You can game this, though, by only gently pressing on the thin strips at first. If you push on the top end near the camera, any large surface area adhesive will stick down and you will not be unsticking it!
For the battery adhesive and replacement:
It was unclear just how tightly the battery needed to be re-adhered. Is it really going to shake around that much? But I figured we don't want anything jostling or pulling on the thin battery connector cable.
I used a spudger to VERY gently work the old adhesive off all 4 sides. It looks like there are wires/trace running through the underlying foil-like surface, so you probably do not want to damage that in any way. Also the screen is right underneath that!
I cut 2 strips only of the included tesla tape and stuck that on the 2 long sides. I did not expose the battery side tape yet.
VERY IMPORTANT: Put the battery in and connect the wire. The ifixit battery is smaller than the OEM, so there is a lot of possible movement. The wire also wasn't exactly perpendicular. In fact, it took some finagling to get the wire to actually connect. I found that in my case, the battery was seated right at the bottom/base of the compartment for the wire to sit properly.
One more thing:
Water resistance testing
There is an app that may be a safe way to see if your reassembly is good enough to quality for water resistance: https://play.google.com/store/apps/detai...
Basically it uses the barometer in the phone to determine this. If your phone is a closed system, pressing on the screen should cause the pressure to increase from baseline, as there are no gaps for air to leave.
If your phone is an open system with a leak, pressure on the screen will be released through the leak in the phone's side, meaning water could easily enter from that same spot. The air pressure will not change with a leak.
This app was in fact the way I discovered my adhesive was splitting. I ran it for fun before going to the beach, where to my surprise it showed a failure. Previously it did not! I have no financial interest in this app, I just like it and I purchased the add-on which is not necessary for the app to function. I use it to test any refurb.
Very helpful pointer to that water resistance test app, I actually just reused all the original stickem of the back cover and the battery, because I went the lowest cost option of just buying a new old stock battery from eBay for $11, which came with nothing in the way of replacement adhesive.
The water resistance test showed a failure, which passed before the replacement, so it does give a good indication of air tightness.
I then used Kapton tape to seal around the whole perimeter, and now the test passes again. It doesn't look elegant in the least, but I prefer being able to change the battery quickly and easily if the need should ever come up again.
Testing with Accurately showed an increase in health percentage from 71 to 86 percent, which rolled the clock back by two years based on the prior history, which I'm satisfied with.
Gee Foe -
Dust warning:
The only part where dust would be very annoying would be on the camera lenses. When reassembling, I made sure that there were no dust particles on the inside of the backplate or on the camera lens itself. You won't be able to clean that out once you seal your phone again!
Um dein Gerät wieder zusammenzubauen, folge den Schritten dieser Anleitung in umgekehrter Reihenfolge.
Damit dein neuer Akku beste Leistung bringt, solltest du ihn neu kalibrieren.
Entsorge deinen Elektromüll fachgerecht.
Lief die Reparatur nicht wie geplant? Auf unserem Antwortenforum kannst du Hilfe bei der Fehlersuche finden.
Um dein Gerät wieder zusammenzubauen, folge den Schritten dieser Anleitung in umgekehrter Reihenfolge.
Damit dein neuer Akku beste Leistung bringt, solltest du ihn neu kalibrieren.
Entsorge deinen Elektromüll fachgerecht.
Lief die Reparatur nicht wie geplant? Auf unserem Antwortenforum kannst du Hilfe bei der Fehlersuche finden.
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14 Kommentare
I was going to publish this guide but somebody did it already for me. Thanks!
By the way the color of that phone in the guide is hideous in my opinion.
When you say “moderate” difficulty, how what’s making it difficult or where is the risk coming from? With the right tools, patience, and even a small bit of experience replacing a screen in an admittedly easy Nokia Lumia phone, what could go wrong, and what would you recommend?
Hi Mark, the hardest part of this guide is dealing with all the adhesive without damaging anything. The back cover and the battery are both heavily glued down. To get the back cover off without cracking it, I’d recommend plenty of heat and very patient and gentle prying. If the prying gets really tough, try heating the back a little more. Removing the battery can be tough as well, but using adhesive remover helps a lot. Follow the steps in the guide and make sure you give the adhesive remover a few minutes to soak in. If prying gets difficult, add a little more adhesive remover and wait a couple minutes before continuing. Hope that helps!
If I buy the kit from ifixit, are the battery going to be relatively new? or the batteries have been seating in shelves since OEM days.
Yes, I bought a kit about a month ago and the manufacting date of the s10e replacement battery was 28 August 2022.
For future reference, I purchased mine in late 7/2023 and the date stamped on the battery was 5/19/23.
WL1 -
The OEM replacement I got from eBay, admittedly cheap at $11, actually had a manufacture date a month before the one I took out, but maybe less cycle time on it, so I'll see how it performs. It measured 4.16V out of the box, so I don't know if the seller charged it up before shipping it out or if it could actually retain full charge for that long.
Gee Foe -
Hello. After 3+ years of using S10e, I would like to replace the battery. I live in Europe and the battery replacement kit is not available on the EU store website. I cannot order the kit from the States because of shipping restrictions.
Can you please tell me where can I buy the replacement kit for my device? Is it possible to order one to EU store somehow?
And why is one not available in the EU store? I'm not being entitled, just puzzled and curious.. I see kits for devices older than mine so I can only guess.
I also have this phone for 3+ years. Battery is overheating a lot, especially with high screen brightness in summer, and does not last so much anymore. I am also looking into ordering a new battery, back cover, and repair kit for my Samsung S10e in Europe (Belgium).
where I could buy samsung galaxy s10e battery?
Just finished battery replacement, worst part was taking out the battery. What helped me was putting iOpener on screen and checking every few minutes on battery if it will give up.
Also, battery from iFixit is not as good as I would think. Connector has a slight difference with original. Barely visible difference, yet plugging it was a challenge. I have brut forced it a little, but in the end it sits. But then another issue - cable is a little too long, which means that instead of lying flat, it bends a little. I had to squash it, I hope it will be fine for a time being. I am writing all this here because for some I can't give battery a review.
Cool from iFixit to provide fundamentals, but there are some details which unfortunately lay flat.
The hardest part was removing all the adhesive. I recommend having extra 90% isopropyl wipes
Update: I forgot to screw it back together since I got caught up in applying the adhesive. I will update if something negative happens but im sending it for now
L'écran OLED et la la batterie
Isidore LECHAT - Antwort
My s10e is 4 years old now and I found glue had weakend and heating was uneccissary.
ervan.hady - Antwort
I purchased my S10e refurbished, so the exact age and prior repairs are unknown. I believe it had ~200 charge cycles. After 2.5 years, the side adhesive started to fail and there was a noticeable slit under the rear cover. It was unclear if the lithium battery was starting to swell, which would have been a more dangerous thing. As such, 3 out of the 4 sides were easy to open just with sliding the pick.
I heated the iOpeners for 30s in my 1000W microwave and it reached a temp of 180oF. I placed this on the final corner and it released fairly easily.
WL1 - Antwort
Is 180 degrees a good temperature to set the air temperature to if a heat gun is used?
Gee Foe -
Mine released without heat, just caught the edge with a fingernail and was able to work it free without any tools.
Gee Foe - Antwort
I would definitely NOT use a heat gun; the iOpener is the right thing to use. I've repaired many devices and I have lots of heat guns, but a heat gun puts out a tremendous amount of heat, and spreads it everywhere instead of in a controlled manner. The iOpener is about 150 F -- just getting uncomfortable to touch -- and the heat is all in a thin strip. You want to gently heat the edges of the cover, not cook the battery and electronics. Smart phones are expensive and the iFixit tools are cheap. Don't risk your phone to save a few bucks.
MikeT-NYC - Antwort