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Antwort auf „Screen separating from case when opened and closed”
HP Chromebox J5N50UT WLAN Module Replacement
Please indicate brand/model/type of WLAN card, so we can know if we’re replacing with same/better upgrade.
HP Chromebox J5N50UT Hard Drive Replacement
Could you indicate the SSD brand/model/capacity/interface so we can order upgrades without having to open up and do the same twice.
HP Chromebox J5N50UT Bottom Cover Replacement
Can you explain how/where the integrated VESA mount is?
Is the mounting screw holes under the rubber feet, like other chromeboxes, from other makers?
Acer Chromebook C710-2833 Wifi Card Replacement
Replaced the original wifi card, how do you get Chrome OS to recognize, or find and download driver for Intel AC 7260 wifi card?
Acer Chromebook C710-2847 Wireless Card Replacement
If you replace the original wifi card, how do you get Chrome OS to recognize, or find and download driver for Intel AC 7260 wifi card?
Acer Chromebook C710-2847 Hard Drive Replacement
Seems its still not clear what brand/size of SSD that you can upgrade to? 60GB? 120? 480?
Not sure I understand.
Acer Chromebook C710-2847 Battery Replacement
I ordered this battery before seeing this. Not only is voltage incorrect, but it does not latch.
Slides on, but connector mismatch and will not lock into place.
Sending back.
Also the BUY PARTS amazon button at the top right of this article is a 404 error.