Zum Hauptinhalt wechseln

I am a student at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, Arizona. My major is Mechanical Engineering with a minor in computer science. I am a member of the Phi Theta Kappa honor society, and the National Society of Collegiate Scholars. In the future, I would like to do some sort of work that involves robots.

I haven’t really done any major repairs before, but there are plenty that I would like to learn to do, from computers to cars and cameras. In my spare time I like to make things, like jewelry or clothes, and read. I live on a farm and have chickens, 2 rabbits, and a cow, and I’m planning on getting ducks, turkeys, and a dog in the spring.

Connor Forry








Mitglied seit 02/02/21

I am a student at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, Arizona.
