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I need to clean my keyboard, so remove keycaps. Despite I act very gently, and tried different technics (prying from the...
Mehr erfahrenI’ve got Sony with a power problem. After investigation I found it has an essential chip (IC5700) killed by a dummy...
Mehr erfahrenHi I need a Full HD screen replacement for my DV6-7000 machine. Service guide says it has part number 682090-001 but it...
Mehr erfahrenI’ve got weird think. One say I wiped the screen with a soft microfiber. No problems was expected, but later I found I...
Mehr erfahrenNOTE: I posted this thread on the Apple forum. A minute later it has been wiped out. Coincidence? I don’t think so… I...
Mehr erfahrenI’ve got A1398 Late 2013 with 2.6ghz i7-4960HQ. Thermal paste apparently wasn’t swapped it’s entire life. In Cinebench it...
Mehr erfahrenHi! I just got MBP and immediately noticed thin horizontal lines all over the screen, most notable on the white...
Mehr erfahrenThere’s a lot of debates on that topic. But no clear answer Apple Genuine chargers are made by major power supply...
Mehr erfahrenWeird thing. After I slightly droped my iPad (on it’s back) I started noticing unpleasant behaviour - a vertical “strip”...
Mehr erfahrenGuys, I just swapped lightning flex cable im my iPad mini 1. It was tricky, but I somehow succeed, except one speaker is...
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А если заменить аккум на старый? Но вообще, по симптомам похоже что что-то накрылось. Самое худшее - если smc...
Mehr erfahrenЕсли кратко - нет. Если подробнее: шлейфы, идущие на экран, запаянны между слоями платы-драйвера. Их не отпаять. От экрана - тоже не отпаять, это мероприятие для спецлаборатории, только какие-то редкие китайцы такое умеют. Если вы в принципе хотите заняться таким ремонтом, вам нужно будет подходить радикально иначе - пересадить чипы и детальки с одной платы на другую. И очень ответственно документировать процесс - никаких схем в доступе нет. Понадобится неплохой скилл пайки феном! И, конечно, очень аккуратно обращаться с платой и шлейфами, малейшее повреждение и всё. И защитить матрицу от тепла
Mehr erfahrenDid you solve the problem?
Mehr erfahrenIt may be easy to be confused what is the cause, but as the screen seems intact and it happened when you tilted the screen I think it’s more likely to be a flex cable problem. It’s not expensive - try it first. But be VERY careful inside, the clip connector is fragile. Tackle it with a toothpick. And beware FLASH DISCHARGE PADS. Touching them is a little trick to momentarely waste a few hundred bucks killing your camera as I did once. Better never get there.
Mehr erfahrenI’ve got almost the same question but slightly different. I need to fit 2015 panel on 2014 (2013 model year) Macbook, as 2014 isnt’ eligible for trade-in swap which makes the cost sky-high, just insane! Pretty much the price of the macbook itself. Are there any ways to make it work?
Mehr erfahrenI’ve got the same. Any clues? Seems to be a wide spread issue, there must be some common reason. I hope it’s power board not main at least
Mehr erfahrenYou know, I wonder but I experience exactly the same behaviour from exactly the same machine. I’m very sad, as this is a totally opposite to what I expected from Mac (and I had reasons to). It whines sometimes even while easy web browsing. It does it stupidly, temps might rise to ~65 only, but it ramps up and to 50+% and doesn’t stop till it’s ~50. When discrete GPU invokes, even the slightest load in C4D viewport with the lightest model imaginable may crank the fans up to 6000 rpm! INSANE! I cleaned and repasted it, undervolted, I did everything I could but as soon as I launch C4D and start working it kills me with noise. I’m toasted, it’s unbearable. Why does it happens? Is this an issue or a fault of the model? Did previous generation with GT 750m behave the same? How da **** to solve this? I’m about to sell it asap, can’t bare it. Help us please ;(
Mehr erfahrenI’m much interested too. I understand how to bend it back, but will the screen survive? This is the main questions. Suggest us please how to perform it safely? Did anybody try and has an experience to share with us?
Mehr erfahrenWhat I found out: In Windows 10 it's FASTER THAN IT SHOULD BE! 665 CB instead of 640 intended. Probably, because of LM on CPU But it still throttles way lower in ANY MacOS, Mojave nor High Sierra, with or without custom fan control, on automatic nor full fan blast. I've ran ASD testing and everything is fine What da heck?
Mehr erfahrenHi! Finally I’ve got my new heatsink. And, you know… NOTHING CHANGED! Everything is the same, temps are high, clocks are low. What’s the heck is wrong??
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Did you measure what’s the resistance to ground is for this fuse? I try to repair my camera (actually it’s Sony, but the principle is important) an I get 0.4 ohms to ground. I’m just affraid there are short circuits all around and don’t know whether that’s near normal or not.
I think you should check the connection behind the main board (the power connector which slots in the power circuit under the top LCD)