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Computer Does Not Power On

The power button is pressed but no lights come on and there is no response from computer.

Faulty Hardware Configuration

Some changes in your hardware configuration or an improper sleep mode entry may have initiated. To fix this you will need to do a hard reset. To do a hard reset unplug all external devices from the laptop and press and hold power buttons for 10 seconds.

Dead Battery

Plug the charger in and make sure the charging light is on. Try to turn the computer on again. If the computer still doesn't turn on, your battery might be bad. You will need to replace it.

Computer Beeps But Does Not Turn On

The laptop does not turn on, as with the general error section, but also beeps repeatedly.

Computer Provides A Beep Code

While not a fault, the beeping pattern of the computer can be used to help identify what part of the laptop is at fault and may need to be repaired. Use the HP Beep Code Guide to identify the issue.

Laptop is Loud, Overheats

The laptop makes a great deal of noise from the fan, and may possibly turn off after getting excessively hot.

Laptop is Loud

You may need to leave the laptop off to cool down, or purchase a cooling pad to help keep it from overheating. If this is the case your fan may be broken, and it may need to be replaced.

Fan is Dirty

If the fan is dirty, you can try blowing out the dirt that may be causing the fan to be louder than usual. To get to the fan, follow the Fan Replacement guide.

Resource Intensive Programs

Programs could be the problem of an overheating laptop. The computer is working harder than the fan can keep it cool. To avoid this, you may need to use these programs for shorter periods of time, or not at all. You can also try cleaning your fan, or replacing it.

Bad Thermal Paste

There is a conductive thermal paste on the CPU that could have gone bad, you will need to reapply it.

Wireless Connection Drops Constantly

The Internet is inaccessible and the wireless networking connection will not connect to any access points, or will connect and remain in Limited Connectivity mode.

Outdated Wireless Drivers

Some connectivity issues are caused by outdated drivers. Use the HP website to find the most up-to-date drivers and install them to try resolving this issue.

Faulty Wireless Adapter

The wireless adapter itself may be faulty, or damaged. It will need to be replaced.

No Display or Garbled Images on Screen

The touchscreen monitor on your HP Envy 15 Touchsmart is not displaying any image, and you know the computer is turned on. Or the image on the screen is garbled, such as having vertical lines of stuck pixels.

Disabled Display

Make sure the display isn’t set to output through the HDMI port only. Press the “fn” key and “F4” at the same time a few times to cycle through the output options and turn on the display if it was disabled.

Loose Screen Connector

The screen is attached to the computer with a small ribbon cable inside the device. If this gets loose or is seated into the connector incorrectly, it can result in bad or no image on the screen. You will need to open the device to reconnect it to try to fix the screen.

Broken Screen

The screen may be completely broken, it will need to be replaced.

Touchscreen is Unresponsive

The touchsreen may be failing to register touch, and/or is inputting incorrect information and touches on the screen.

Touchscreen Damage

If the touchscreen’s unresponsiveness is due to a faulty or damaged touchscreen filter you will need to replace it.

Touchscreen Driver Outdated

If the display on the touchscreen is fine and the touchscreen was working prior to an update and is now unresponsive to touch, an outdated driver may be to blame. To fix this, you must go to the HP drivers page and find the newest driver listed. Once you find it, download the driver and begin to install. Once done installing, be sure to restart your computer.

CMOS Battery Read Error

Upon boot up, the computer may read a “CMOS checksum error,” or date and time keep getting reset.

Battery is Dead

Over time the CMOS Battery will be drained of power. To fix this problem you will need to open your device and replace it.

CMOS Battery is Disconnected or Installed Incorrectly

Similar to the death of a CMOS battery, a CMOS battery that has been installed incorrectly may be at fault for problems like the ones aforementioned. In order to fix this problem you must refer to the replacement guide.

Computer Bluescreens Often and Randomly

The computer’s screen will turn blue with an error message before restarting automatically or needing to be restarted manually

Outdated Software or Drivers

Set up or run Windows Update to download the latest updates for your version of Windows. Restart the computer when needed, and see if this resolves the issue.

Faulty RAM

The RAM modules may cause bluescreens. If so, you can use a program such as memtest86+ to verify. You can also use the instructions in the replacement guide to remove one RAM module at a time and see if the issue persists. If the problem is solved by removing one of the RAM modules, it is faulty. Once you know that the RAM is to blame you should replace it.

Faulty Motherboard

Bluescreens can be caused by faulty components on the Motherboard, you may need to replace it.


USF Tampa, Team 2-6, Sullivan Fall 2015 Mitglied von USF Tampa, Team 2-6, Sullivan Fall 2015


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damaged sata connection

Alfred Santiago - Antwort

My hp envy is stuck on the start up stage and keeps restarting

Umair - Antwort

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