Zum Hauptinhalt wechseln

Hello! I am Abby Hudson, a Sophmore studying Aerospace Engineering at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott campus.

I have always had an interest in space; I was fascinated by the idea of the universe, planets and other galaxies. I started to stargaze and dabbled in astrophotography before I realized that this is what I wanted to do with my future.

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There were two that that really pushed me to get where I am today. The first was the Congress of Future Scientists and Technologists, which I attended in 2016. There, got to hear amazing people such as John Mather, Ph.D., Sylvester Gates, Ph.D., and Marc Raibert talk about their careers and accomplishments. The second was the time I spent on my high school First Robotics Competition team. Building robots for creative competitions is what made me fall in love with engineering.

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My aspiration in life is to work for NASA in Mission Control once manned space flight is restarted. I was inspired by the actions of Gene Krantz's quick action and strong leadership during the events of Apollo 13.

On campus, one of the biggest parts of my life is EagleSat. It is a program in which we research, design, and build satellites that will be launched to space through NASA CubeSat Launch Initiative. I am the Deputy Project Manager of our second satellite and am currently training to take over the program as the Project Manager sometime next year.



-Microsoft Excel

-Strong Written Communication


-On my high school robotics team, we qualified for the World Championships both of the years I was on the team.

-I was part of my high school's chamber orchestra for two years.


-Scholastic Silver Key Writing Award for Flash Fiction (2014)

-Torch and Laurel (2016)

-Chancellor Scholarship (2018-2020)

-Women of Excellence Award (2018-2020)

-1st Robotics Scholarship (2018-2020)

Repair Experience:

Most of my experience with technology is taking them apart and exploring the components. Although, when I do need to repair things, manuals often have problems such as paragraphs as steps and overly complicated instructions.


-International Travel


-Developing board games


Fun Fact:

My favorite book series is the KingKiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss. His development of the word and characters is truly engrossing.

Wikis, zu denen ich beigetragen habe

Abby Hudson








Mitglied seit 01/14/20
