Zum Hauptinhalt wechseln

Hi! My name is Charlie Priebe, and I am a sophomore aerospace engineering student at Cal Poly SLO. I also work at iFixit as an SEO Content Writer, making things more accessible for users and adding information to wiki pages across the website.

While I’m planning to go into the aerospace industry and work with amazing organizations like NASA, Boeing, or SpaceX, I’m also passionate about the environment and sustainability. In my free time outside of studying, I enjoy reading and painting, and volunteering at my local animal shelter. I’ve also always enjoyed building things, so working with iFixit is a great way for me to use my skills and learn more about how devices work.

Charlie Priebe








Mitglied seit 07/06/20

Hi! My name is Charlie Priebe, and I am a sophomore aerospace engineer at Cal Poly SLO. I'm working as an SEO Content Writer at iFixit for the summer.