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Verbindung zum Smartphone nicht möglich
Du kannst dein Gerät nicht kabellos mit deinem Smartphone synchronisieren.
Inkorrekte Kopplung
Die Garmin Vivoactive ist nicht wie andere Geräte, die sich nur über Bluetooth verbinden. Um deine Vivoactive mit deinem Smartphone zu verbinden, musst du die Garmin Connect Mobile App benutzen.
- Öffne diesen Link in einem Browser auf deinem Smartphone.
- Folge den Anweisungen, um die Garmin Connect Mobile App herunterzuladen und zu installieren.
- Folge den innerhalb der App erscheinen Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm, um dein Gerät mit dem Smartphone zu koppeln.
- Wenn das nicht das erste Gerät ist, das du mit der App koppelst, dann folge diesen Schritten:
- Select (Wähle) > Devices (Geräte) > + to add your new device (zu deine neuen Gerät hinzufügen).
Software ist nicht mehr aktuell
Achte darauf, dass die Smartwatch mit der aktuellsten Version der Software läuft. Das kannst du so kontrollieren:
- Wähle den "Action Key" (Taste auf der rechten Seite des Gerätes).
- Wähle Einstellungen> System > Über
- In der zweiten Linie wird die Version der Software angezeigt, mit der das Gerät aktuell läuft.
Kaputte Bluetooth-Antenne
Folge den Schritten in unserer Anleitung, um das Motherboard der Vivoactive zu ersetzen.
Kurze Akkulaufzeit
Der Akku der Smartwatch geht schnell zur Neige.
Mehrere GPS-Verfolgungsmodi aktiviert
Stelle sicher, dass dein Gerät auf den Standard-GPS-Ortungsmodus eingestellt ist und nicht auch auf GLONASS. Dies kann die Akkulaufzeit erheblich verlängern, da das Gerät nicht versucht, sich mit 2 Satelliten zu verbinden.
- Drücke auf den "Action Key" (rechte Seite des Gerätes).
- Gehe auf System > Sensoren > GPS.
- Wähle den Kippschalter für GLONASS, und schalte ihn aus.
Unnötige Benachrichtigungen, die Energie verbrauchen
Wenn das Gerät überflüssige Benachrichtigungen über dein Smartphone abruft, kann sich die Akkulaufzeit verringern.
- iOS
- Wähle die Einstellungen-Application.
- Navigiere zum Benachrichtigungscenter.
- Scrolle zum Vivoactive-Abschnitt.
- Wähle nur die Elemente aus, die über die Uhr angezeigt werden sollen, und schalte den Rest aus.
- Android
- Öffne die Garmin Connect mobile App.
- Öffne die Einstellungen.
- Wähle nur die Elemente aus, die über die Uhr angezeigt werden sollen, und schalte den Rest aus.
Hintergrundbeleuchtung bleibt zu lange an
- Drücke auf den "Action Key" (rechte Seite des Geräts)
- Wähle auf dem Bildschirm: System > System > Hintergrundbeleuchtung.
- Passe den Modus an, der bestimmt, unter welchen Lichtverhältnissen sich die Hintergrundbeleuchtung einschaltet.
- Ändere den Timeout, der die Zeitspanne bestimmt, nach der die Hintergrundbeleuchtung ausgeschaltet wird.
Kaputter Akku
Wenn sich dein Akku weiterhin schnell entlädt, muss du ihn vielleicht austauschen. In unserer Anleitung zeigen wir, wie man den Akku ersetzt.
Spontaner Neustart
Das Gerät startet sich während der Benutzung neu.
Obsolete Software-Version
Achte darauf, dass die Smartwatch mit der aktuellsten Version der Software läuft. Das kannst du so kontrollieren:
- Gehe auf die Garmin Webseite und finde die aktuellste Firmware-Version.
- Gehe auf die Vivoactive Einstellungen-App.
- Wähle auf dem Bildschirm System > Über.
- Vergleiche die Version der Geräte-ID mit der letzten Aktualisierung auf der Website in Schritt 1.
Falsche benutzerdefinierte Einstellungen
Wenn du die aktuellste Firmware-Version verwendest, führe die folgenden Schritte aus, um dein Gerät zurückzusetzen:
- Achte darauf, alle wichtigen Informationen, die du auf dem Gerät gespeichert hast, zu sichern.
- Gehe auf die Einstellungen-App.
- Wähle auf dem Bildschirm System > Standardeinstellungen wiederherstellen.
- Folge den Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm.
Beschädigte Software
Ein Zurücksetzen auf Werkseinstellungen kann zahlreiche Probleme mit deinem Gerät lösen, allerdings solltest du Folgendes beachten:
- Achte darauf, alle wichtigen Informationen, die du auf dem Gerät gespeichert hast, zu sichern.
- Schalte das Gerät aus (wenn sich das Gerät nicht ausschalten lässt, überspringe diesen Schritt).
- Halte die Start/Stop-Taste und die Einschalttaste auf jeder Seite der Uhr.
- Lasse die Einschalttaste los, sobald das Gerät das erste Mal vibriert.
- Lasse die Start/Stop-Taste los, wenn das Gerät zum zweiten Mal vibriert.
- Nach ein paar Sekunden kann es sein, dass das Gerät zum dritten Mal vibriert, um anzuzeigen, dass es sich einschaltet.
Wenn sich das Gerät jetzt nicht einschaltet, sieh dir den Abschnitt über einen nicht-reagierenden Bildschirm an.
Falsche Ausübungsdaten
Die Daten spiegeln deine Aktivitäten nicht genau wider.
GLONASS ist deaktiviert
Glonass ist ein GPS, das genauere Daten in Gebieten liefern kann, in denen es schwierig sein kann, ein Satellitensignal zu erhalten. Um genauere Daten zu erhalten, aktiviere GLONASS mit den folgenden Schritten.
- Drücke auf den "Action Key" (rechte Seite des Gerätes).
- Gehe auf System > Sensoren > GPS.
- Wähle den Kippschalter für GLONASS und schalte ihn ein.
Automatische Pause ist eingeschaltet
Die automatische Pause stoppt automatisch die Aufzeichnung von Daten und Zeitmessung, wenn es ein langsames Tempo oder eine pausierte Bewegung erkennt, was bedeutet, dass für diesen Zeitraum kein Protokoll verfügbar ist. Um dies auszuschalten, führe die folgenden Schritte aus.
- Drücke auf den "Action Key" (rechte Seite des Gerätes).
- Wähle die entsprechende Aktivität (z.B. joggen oder schwimmen).
- Wähle > Auto Pause. Hier gibt es drei Optionen zur Auswahl.
- Stopped: hält den Timer automatisch an, wenn du dich nicht mehr bewegst.
- Pace: hält den Timer automatisch an, wenn dein Tempo unter dem festgesetzten Wert ist.
- Speed: hält den Timer automatisch an, wenn deine Geschwindigkeit unter dem festgesetzten Wert ist..
- Achte darauf, dass die automatische Pause nicht auf ein Tempo oder eine Geschwindigkeit eingestellt ist, das/die schneller ist als dein normales Tempo oder deine normale Geschwindigkeit. Dies würde bedeuten, dass für die Dauer der Zeit, in der du langsamer als das eingestellte Tempo/Geschwindigkeit bist, keine Daten erfasst werden.
Nicht registrierter Herzfrequenzmesser
Wenn du einen Herzfrequenzsensor verwendest und dieser nicht ordnungsgemäß mit der Vivoactive registriert wird, versuche die folgenden Schritte:
- Lege das Herzfrequenzmessgerät an, dadurch werden die Sensoren im Gerät aktiviert. (Es wird nur übertragen, wenn du das Gerät trägst).
- Bringe das Gerät so nahe wie möglich an den Sensor.
- Drücke auf den "Action Key" (rechte Seite des Gerätes).
- Wähle System > Sensor > Neu hinzufügen (entferne das aktuelle Gerät aus dieser Liste, wenn es eines gibt).
Bildschirm reagiert nicht
Du kannst das Gerät nicht mehr über den Touchscreen kontrollieren.
Schmutziges Display
Es mag banal erscheinen, aber Staub, Schmutz und andere Partikel können die Funktion des Touchscreens stark beeinträchtigen. Folge diesen einfachen Schritten, um dein Display zu reinigen:
- Wenn dein Gerät eine Displayschutzfolie hat, entferne sie.
- Sprühe ein wenig Wasser oder geeignetes Spray auf ein Mikrofasertuch.
- Wische das Display gründlich ab.
- Trockne die Oberfläche sofort mit einem Mikrofasertuch.
- Ersetze die Displayschutzfolie falls gewünscht durch eine neue.
Gerät ohne Display zurücksetzen
Folge den Schritten im Unterabschnitt "Zurücksetzen auf die Werkseinstellungen", um dein Gerät ohne Verwendung des Touchscreens zurückzusetzen.
Kaputtes Display
Wenn dein Gerät nach Befolgung der obigen Anleitungen zur Fehlerbehebung immer noch nicht reagiert, kannst du das Display mithilfe dieser Anleitung austauschen.
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176 Kommentare
My Garmin vivoactive is stuck on the "Garmin" Screen. I have tried plugging it in my computer but it cannot connect with it. How do I fix this?
Ales - Antwort
I have the same problem. were you ever able to fix it?
bgubaci -
I had the same problem. Just follow the next steps
Resetting the Device
If the device stops responding, you may need to reset it.
NOTE: Resetting the device may erase your data or settings.
Hold (on/off) for 15 seconds.
The device turns off.
Hold (on/off) for one second to turn on the device.
albertocampillo8a -
I have the same problem, I can*t turn on the watch
bubilibu26 - Antwort
I had the same problem and I reinstall the connect app and that resolved the problem
idfbest -
Did you ever get it to turn on? mine doesnt
djhernandez1999 -
My watch powers on for two minutes then turns itself off
frog1 - Antwort
Hi my Garmin Vivoactive constantly flashes. It's like the backlight is constantly flashing. Has only started doing this in the past 24hrs
Chris Summers - Antwort
Mine either. I didn,t find a Way to solve the problem.
Claudio -
Just wondering if you have found a fix to the flashing backlight on your vivoactive as mine is doing the same. I have contacted Garmin and they are saying they are not aware of an issue.
yvettebuckingham -
My vivoactive HR is locked on a screen where it received a message from my phone. It is unresponsive and doesn't do anything when I push(and hold) the buttons or tap the screen. What do I do?
Albert Einstein - Antwort
Hold Left button 15 seconds till power off, charge fully, turn off bluetooth close connect reboot. (turn back on connect) turn on bluetooth, pull screen down and hold until synch begins, That worked for me.
John Amick -
My garmin vivoactive hr with gps won't show my calendar with the training plan I signed up for but it shows on the app and website. How can I get it on my watch?
Sabrina Johnson - Antwort
Each day, my Connect App is reset (I remove cycling, swim, golf, etc and save but they are back each day). In addition, the watch face I use offers a digital watch in the corner that I set to 24-hour format but each morning, it is back to 12-hr. I did not have any issues until I had to replace my phone (same kind-iPhone 6 Plus). Any ideas?
Kent - Antwort
I've been having this issue as well; I think since the latest Garmin software update; my watch will not hold the 24-hour clock setting. I've tried to sync and unsync (remove bluetooth) and re-pair my watch to my iPhone, with no luck; I'm stuck in 12-hour time.
crystallynn04 -
The check button on my vivoactive is broken, so when I go to delete a run I can only push the X not the check mark. And when I wore it in the shower it went into sleep mode and I could not get it out for the same reason. I got it out of sleep mode by holding both buttons until it turned off but I still can't push any check marks. Another thing, there is a tiny crack in the top right of the screen so that might be the cause.
asher gust - Antwort
Just an update, I found out that it is the whole bottom right of the screen does not work.
asher gust -
My vivoactive seems to have an issue on golf setting, downloaded courses are recognised but it then locks on -1 and it doesn't move or recognise holes?
Happened and now can't get it to stop.
Alan - Antwort
I have had the same issue, but it comes and goes. Since the issue is not permanent, it does look like a software problem. I have the latest SW so a fix is needed.
Sami -
Same with me.
stevepullen -
Mine just started acting up too. I have used it for over 100 rounds flawlessly, but today it's all goofy. I can't find any info on what to do to fix it.
Jake Graham -
Mine has stopped altogether saying when I try to download courses again that I have reached my 100 course limit, only ever down loaded 15, have been on to garmin not getting any joy
sharpie1961 -
This just happened to me yesterday. I opened the app on my phone and removed all downloaded courses, then re-downloaded the course I was playing. Everything worked after that.
coconur1 -
If the watch is not connected to the app it will only be able to display the last course. If it sticks on transferring data it could be the course file is corrupted. Remove that course from the phone and add it back. If it states that you have reached the 100 course limit but you don't have that many courses, in install the app and reinstall it.
Joseph L -
my Garmin is showing charged when on the docking charging station, but it wont turn on or off.
April Goodwin - Antwort
I'm having the same problem, did you find a solution?
joshbarden14 -
resetting it works....hold both buttons for 15 seconds
thesladefamily -
Mine is doing same thing
i pushed button and it turned off but then it won’t turn back on
not responding to any buttons even if I try to reset
osharnoubi -
My vivoactive will log my run correctly and when I click save acts like it is saving, but when I go to sync my phone it says 0 on run activities and I can't get the run data off my phone. Anyone experiencing this?
John Colona - Antwort
My vivosmart hr plus takes 5 to 15 min to connect to gps if it ever does I've reset the device made sure it was up to date still having this issue. Its not very convenient when you want to run but have to wait 5 to 15 or longer for your watch to get the gps signal. My son has a vivo active hr plus and it just takes a few moments standing right next to me so i dont think im out of range or anything. Any help would be nice. Thanks.
Kay merritt - Antwort
I have the same issue. GPS on my garmin vivosmart hr plus worked for the first two days - I it did take at least a couple of mins to start - but then stopped working. The watch keeps saying 'Wait'. I returned the watch and got a new one but encounter the same problem. GPS doesn't work. Could anyone help?
Tanya -
The same is happening to mine! It says "Wait" and then never connects. It has worked once so I know it can connect... Any fixes?
Shannon Quealy -
The vivosmart HR+ relies on GPS data synced over to it from the mobile app. Try syncing with the app before starting an activity.
Joseph L -
I swim in an indoor pool and it doesn't read the distance correctly. I also have the same issue with the screen being non responsive despite being clean.
bronwynhope - Antwort
I have a garmin 230 from five days ago and i can not use because the gps is not working. The function to run etc is bloked in red color, the same as the Symbol of the gps of the watch. I do not understand what I have to do, what is Happening? I was using until friday and everything was fine.
Ana Martinez - Antwort
Hi, the bluetooth status on my vivoactive hr says waiting and has done for some time despite turning it off and back on again so unqble to pair with phone/tablet
Naomi richardson - Antwort
I have the same issue - did you find a solution?
KAStockdale -
HR light is only on in apps, it is turn on in sensor/ puls
Henrik Bech - Antwort
Hi, my vivoactive stop counting steps and put data to garmin connect.
Firstly it just didnt put my steps from yesterday, so i try to reboot it, and now it is not putting any data at all. try to delete from my account and put back - it didnt help. any advice? thx
David Simpsons - Antwort
I cannot get my watch to turn on or charge? It has been plugged in on 3 different locations and just lights up with the little battery and the charging sign but never charges to turn on? I am getting frustrated! Any tips?
alicialacher - Antwort
I have the same problem with my husbands watch and I just bought it!! Did you figure out the answer?
kristinedaniel -
Me too! I just got mine for Christmas yesterday and I had it charging all night nothing..still like 1 bar of charge can't seem to turn it on!!
jbabyjlc -
I have the same issue. Did you send it back or did you finally get it to work?
d11blood -
Eugene Sidwell -
I can't get my garmin to turn on any ideas thanks
Steve Gilbert - Antwort
My vivoactive will not turn on. Any help out there?
Sam Kalstad -
Since the latest app upgrade around a month ago my golf feature has stopped working . When I go to download the courses again it says I have reached my 100 download limit, obviously only ever loading about 15.
I have been in contact with Garmin Australia and have to email them data from the phone and the watch, but it is dragging on and not looking like a result.
The watch is still in warranty but the time they are taking who knows, all the sports bits still work well
sharpie1961 - Antwort
My backlight only really lights up in the middle and is very dim on the sides and ends making it hard to read some of the options, is there any way to fix it?
Morgan Davis - Antwort
I have a vivosmart, I forgot to put that.
Morgan Davis -
Can you auto pause when swimming?
Ian Langford - Antwort
I can't download any apps because it says my vivoactive needs an update but my vivoactive seems to be updated because there are no updates available at garmin express
a01382507 - Antwort
Try going into the Garmin Connect website instead of Garmin Express
SEO40 -
My vivoactive keeps flashing a 0:06 time screen every 6 seconds while I am running. It does record my run data but the flashing and vibrating every 6 seconds is so annoying. I tried powering it off. I updated the watch face software. Can't figure it out.
SEO40 - Antwort
My Garmin vivoactive after last garmin connect update, giving me issue's with the Golf app.
will find the downloaded golf coarses and distance to them. But after selecting the one want to use starts downloading it but when finished jumps back to standard mode without starting the golf app.
Did complete factory reset, reconnecting etc but still same problem.
Anybody an idea how to address this with Garmin?
donaldvanschuppen - Antwort
I had the same problem if you delete the course and download it again your problem should be solved
georgieboy92 -
Same here. Did deleting courses help ? Do I have to delete all the courses or just some of them ?
I have been golfing without using this app for a month. Still figuring out the way to fix this
Joejo Baesuvan -
I put a new battery in my heart rate monitor and now my watch won't pair with it.. what can I do?
shayshaywilliams - Antwort
My screen is frozen on a message that has come through from my phone.. Anyone know how to get rid of this?
daniellehumphreys - Antwort
I have the same problem. I can dismiss everything else that comes through, but not this message (now it's two messages because i had my husband send a test). I have turned text notifications off and on, and it seems to make no difference.
Micaela -
Vivosmart HR takes very long to find satellites before a run. Is there something in set up that I missed? Previously had Forerunner 410 and sync time was instant.
Brian Frederick - Antwort
Hi I've just installed the Garmin connect app. I'm now stuck on create account. Have not been able to get any further for the last hour. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the app. Turned off and on my phone. Any help... or this vivofit is going back to the shop
Grainne gantley - Antwort
My watch wanted to install the latest software late last night and so I let it update. Woke this morning to a watch that will not power back on. I press the power button and "Garmin" shows up for about 2 seconds and is gone and nothing else. I have also tried pressing both buttons at the same time and nothing. Please advise.
April - Antwort
After software update, i can't connect to bluetooth despite it being on both phone and garmin. tried to reset and still doesn't work. wonder if this software update it buggy and causing issues!
lizwhiteley1 -
My vivosmart has stopped recording my steps, occasionally it adds about ten steps so far has recorded 1860 steps for today which should have been somewhere around 7-8000 can ant one suggest anything?
Elizabeth Wildish - Antwort
My vivoactive HR music control constantly states it is 'Waiting for Data'. I have followed all instructions to connect via Bluetooth through the watch and through the connect app and still no joy. Only had the watch 3 days and it was working for the first 2. Any advice on how to resolve is highly appreciated
Jon Chappell - Antwort
I just got my vivoactive HR watch and also keep running into were the built in widget's keep saying (waiting for data) weather,notification and won't turn back on, I've tried everything from reset,Bluetooth,Garmin connect and syncing ,anybody else having this problem with there phone? I use a Nokia Windows 10 phone
psalm2310 -
My vivoactive HR is telling the wrong time! any idea how to fix it. it doesn't go back to proper time even when it has been synced with iPad. Liz53
Liz L - Antwort
Is there a software update queued on your computer in the background? I tried the 15 second turn-it-off fix several times before it worked, and couldn't connect to my laptop. problem seems to have been either an Apple update or an MS OneDrive install queued...
Denis Cullinane - Antwort
I received a vivoactive from my grandaughter to replace my older garmin. But the android app keeps reporting bluetooth communication errors. But the connect application always syncs without a problem. I want the notification to stop!!!!! Is there some way to turn off the bluetooth communication notification?
Bill McCartney - Antwort
I can't get to the menu screen of my device, i press the menu button but it only vibrates and doesn't do anything. I just want to go into my settings so i can turn my bluetooth on and connect to my phone
jordanforsyth4 - Antwort
Reboot the watch by holding the left button.
Joseph L -
My Vivoactive , never log steps and sleep time when battery is under 20%, why? I've already lost some day of log , there is a way to get it back?
Kap Teo (kapteo) - Antwort
my garmin vivosmart HD reset itself what do i do to get everything back on without taking the app off my phone
Maddy Urbankiewicz - Antwort
Same problem. The watch resets itself in some of the following cases (not repeatable):
- Finishing a running activity (I could not see it reboot but it changes the watch face and deletes german language. Still able to upload data to smartphone)
- Using the FHEMGarmin App (happened once when I was too anxious, rebooted)
- Installing some apps, widgets and data fields (rebooted)
Any idea what can be the root cause? Newest software is installed
Mats Schmalhorst - Antwort
My VivoactiveHR touchscreen would not function. The buttons would switch screens but I could not do anything for choosing activities. I followed one of the recommendations to hold the on-off (L) button for 15sec. Once is shut off hold again for 1sec to turn back on. While holding to shut off the screen be prepared because it just gradually fades to off. Kinda creepy but when I stayed with it, it worked. When I held for a second it came back on. So far it only looks like the date was changed. Everything else is still there.
Kory - Antwort
Try turning it off by just holding the left button 30 seconds. Then release and hold a few more to turn it back on.
Joseph L -
It's the second time the watch freeze with screen in red color and i have to turn it off. After it seems difficult to re start and i lost some hours of registration. Yesterday I registered a run and after other two activities... at the end it has keeep only the last one... :-s
rdepoli - Antwort
I go to the menu to try and connect the Bluetooth and I can't press settings on the bottom of my watch face. I can touch history but not settings.
laneymarie21 - Antwort
Just got my vivoactive and the menu (3 line) button is completely unresponsive. Do I have to return this or is their a fix? All software up to date and like I said, I just got it...
El Hinton - Antwort
El what happened did you fix it? Mine is dead!
charlimccarthy -
That button only works in certain areas. Try taping it while in an activity.
Joseph L -
Why is my bluetooth stuck in waiting mode on my vivofit hr.....my wifr is having the same issue with hers
Nino Lipari - Antwort
So I went to Florida for the weekend, during which I was kayaking in the gulf. my watch worked for 3/4 of trip then I looked to check the time and it was off. I tried charging it (which I charged it before we went on our trip and the battery normally lasts 5 days or more) also I tried the manual reset. it acts like its dead, it doesn't do anything, no lights no nothing.
eric grilliot - Antwort
Eric did you find a solution to your issue? My watch is doing the same thing!
martinsnchrist -
I changed my batteries for the first time on my Vivofit 1 (the first vivofit original). Now it is stuck on steps. The button does not work at all. It will not change to sync, to goal or any other screen. Can you help?
Mary Marshall - Antwort
my device will not turn on. it will show the garmin screen then turn off again.
John Shultzaberger - Antwort
Went for a swim earlier and now all I see is a black screen. Tried plugging it in to charge and now it won't stop vibrating but it still has the black screen. The garmin logo has come on a few times but then it goes back to black. Anyone know what I can do? Do I just need to wait? Happened about 2 hours ago.
Lauren - Antwort
Actually came on here for the exact same problem. It turns on when I plug it in, and just goes to a weird screen... but as soon as I remove it from the charger it goes black
jgiaconia001 -
Lauren, did you find the solution to your problem? Today it happened to me too. I’ m so sad……….
ojog manuela -
Garmin vivosmart HR won't switch on, did an aqua aerobics class and I think it's clearly not waterproof!?! It's been on charge and it's less than a year old. Any suggestions?
skerry@live.co.uk - Antwort
Me too - I went for a long run, synced the watch to my phone, then jumped into the pool and then I saw a bunch of lines and I quickly climbed out of the water and the vivosmart HR has been dead ever since. Every time I've had a problem with it dying, I've hooked it up to the charger/fiddled with it and gotten it to come back, but this time, nothing.
I feel hopeful though because it has vibrated a few times and the light on the back comes on, and the screen, while black, occasionally shows some light, but no Garmin screen, nothing. I've tried rebooting, and I get that black light screen - is this hopeless? I've been swimming in this watch for a year, it seems odd that it would die now.
dbrick - Antwort
I am having the same problem. Did you find out any information?
cgaskamp32 -
Anyone have issues with: a) not reporting stair climbs accurately. b) time is set to auto, but it sets itself ahead about 5 hours
Paul Toscano - Antwort
My Vivoactive "find my phone" function is not working properly. When I press the relevant button on the watch, the display appears that suggests it is connected to the phone and the phone SHOULD be bleeping away ... but it isn't. My phone is NOT in silent mode and the ring volume is turned up fully and it's connected to the watch OK, so it SHOULD be ringing ... but it isn't. Anyone any ideas ?
jeffyates12762 - Antwort
After I recharge my watch the touch screen doesn't work everytime, I would have to reboot the watch for it to work again.
Mel Lum - Antwort
I did a "Restore Defaults" and it corrected the problem with the touch screen not working after I charge the watch.
Mel Lum -
I can use the forward in the reverse buttons on my music player but I can't get it to pause and play any idea
catlkate - Antwort
I'm using vivoactive hr. It was working well for three months but now there's a problem. I can't swipe the screen up or down. I have restarted the watch twice and also restored to the factory mode. But the problem still persisted. What should I do, kindly help. Thank-you
Joshua Khauté - Antwort
My watch has died and now will not charge or turn on???
eventer_18 - Antwort
My HR+ continually says Bluetooth on or Bluetooth off. My HR watch does not do this. It will result in my battery running down and is very annoying as I'm getting vibration fatigue not knowing when to really look at my watch for real information.
decj - Antwort
I have a vivosmart hr, bought it about 3 months ago and have been super satisfied, but today I was running with a friend and found out while my watch records a 6km run, her phone records for the very same track 4.3km. Now that's a huge difference and made me second guess all my trainings now. I did drive around the track to check if her phone might have been the problematic one or if the difference wasnt as big, and to my surprise got the same 4.3km. Can it be fixed? Ptherwise, what's the point in tracking something so off .. help anyonem please!!
Tania - Antwort
My HR started not working today. Never happened before. I had the word Harmon on the screen for about 2 hours then it went blank. I've tried resetting and turning on/off with no luck. No reaction to it being plugged in either. Is it dead?
ddonovan1058 - Antwort
Sometimes, my Vivoactive HR will reboot when plugging it on my iMac... And this usually results in data losses.
renechenard - Antwort
The button on the bottom right (the 3 lines) does not work anymore any advice on how to fix?
Allison - Antwort
My vivo active will not respond to and charger. Any ideas ?
aaron weiss - Antwort
Late to the party. VivoActive went down when I tried to restart. Stuck on Garmin screen. Tried the factory reset by holding down buttons. Tried putting it on the dock holding buttons, nothing. When I try the factory reset, there are no vibrations, and the Garmin screen just reappears? Is this dead?
Erik Stejanko - Antwort
I've had my watch now for 7 mths. I got mine for Christmas and yesterday it just turned off and now it won't come back on. I've even charged or for an hr, just to make sure it wasnt dead. It's not doimg anything. Anyone else has this kind of problem with theirs? I love my watch and want it fixed like now!!
Melissa Viney - Antwort
I got mine for christmas too and mine stopped working this morning. It has worked great until now and nothing I try seems to fix it
Nicole Irving -
This also happened to my watch. They want to charge me R1910 to fix it, but it’s not even a year old. Did you find a way to get it to turn on?
Someone PLEASE help!
zaniebez -
I just buy my vivoactive HR when i open no power i charge and fund zero battery is this Ok normal for new unit?
We will charge first?
Rey Malinit - Antwort
I am able to download widgets and sync and the widget is teher immediatly. When I try to download an application, one I would like for running, it appears to download and sync, but it does not show up on my device. I have tried several applications to make sure, but they all do the same. Can you help?
Cory Brooks - Antwort
My screen went black and has white fuzzy stripes on it, any suggestions?
Deanna Girrens - Antwort
My watch arrived safely, I plugged it in...charged it up and has worked great for 4 days. I go to plug it in on my computer with my UBC and now the screen went blank. I cannot get it to come back on? What I do? This model has the two buttons below the bottom of the screen.
Craig Clarin - Antwort
I just replaced the battery on my vivofit 2 and now it won't count my steps.
Ruana - Antwort
Please help me my vivofit 2 will not turn on I have replaced the batteries and it still won't turn on PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help
Aqua - Antwort
this is not helpful at all, my device suddenly just froze up and this website will not give me anything on how to fix it.
Jessica Ricketts - Antwort
My device is just froze in class, on this website there is NOTHING to help it. The screen is clean, it’s not broken and I can push any buttons or (obviously) touch the screen to get it to work. Never buying on again!!!!
Jessica Ricketts - Antwort
My Vivoactive went off and does not want to switch back on. Have tried charging it and switching it back on. It does not want to switch on again?
Any advice?
zaniebez - Antwort
I´ve only had my garmin for 2 months and since new keeps putting the wrong date and time, IO thought it was because I´m not an outdoor person and the gps has not been working for that reason but this vacation all I did was outdorr and the watch keeps movinfg the time, date and even sometimes it shoots down for no reason
mari rivas - Antwort
My Vivoactive HR watch has developed an issue recently where it is fine after doing a reboot, but will become unresponsive after one or two day’s use, or even sometimes a few hours.
When the issue happens, I press the right button to unlock the screen and nothing happens, so I keep trying to press it and still nothing. Eventually it recognises one of the button presses and unlocks the screen, but by now it has queued a few instructions from button presses, and the time has frozen, like the watch is running out of memory, or the app that is running is unresponsive. The watch keeps trying to do things, but it’s always a few instructions behind and unresponsive. I managed to get it to start logging a swim last night, but when I checked, it hadn’t logged any data for the swim at all.
This issue has only started happening in the last couple of weeks. Strangely, it coincides with replacing the strap, which shouldn’t have any effect unless Garmin put some sort of protection against using 3rd party straps? Any fixes?
sbuk - Antwort
My golf widget disappeared all together and I can’t find it anywhere. Is there a way I can retrieve it?
john doe - Antwort
I am unable to pair garmin vivoactive with my new phone. Previously was paired with another phone, Each time I am trying to connect, the watch keep saying “Waiting to Connect”
Nina Xyg - Antwort
When I take my Garmin VivoActive off the charger the screen goes blank or turns off.
soonflynn - Antwort
Just got a brand sparkling new vivoactive HR in the mail today as my last one started taking in water a few weeks ago. Have it charging on my computer and trying to pair it with my connect app and Garmin Express with no luck. Then suddenly the screen goes black and there is no way to turn it on again. The HR sensor is blinking, but that’s about it. Has anyone else experienced this? Is it possible to reset it without the touchscreen? I tried pressing the buttons forever, in any combination, but nothing helps.
Silje Hårstad - Antwort
My garmin vivoactive 3 doesn’t charge when I plug it. I tried to uptdate the device, to change the wallplug but the batterie still doesn’t charge
Jengau - Antwort
Hi have the same problem since updating my watch….stuck on garmin screen. Tried a reset not response
Tara Chorley - Antwort
My Garmin says I have 1200 steps and 752 active minutes. I've been sitting on the couch all day. How do I fix this?
Andrea Henry - Antwort
My screen simply won’t light up. The vibrations and stuff still activate, but the screen won’t light up. It’s still reacting to touch, but I don’t know what it’s supposed to be doing.
MadelynN - Antwort
My Garmin Vivoactive, stay in a diagnostic mode. The light is always on the screen show to me, Software version, time, temp, battery, ROM, RAM, Motor test, Charge state, HD ID voltage. I can active a motor test, pushing on the three bar. I can’t find a way to go out from this state, i try to press for 15 seconds the start button the device switch off, but when i switch on it goes to the same diagnostic screen.
niccoltesi - Antwort
I just brought a vivoactive 3 and it was working oerfectly for the time i had it. It all of a sudden just went vlack and wont turn on at all. Ive tried to charge it (already had 80%) and still nothing. Is there anyother way to reboot it or anything?
Phyllisity Searle - Antwort
I replaced the batteries in my VivoFit and it worked for 2 days then quit. The batteries were brand new Energizer batteries. Suggestions on how to fix it?
Sherry Hennes - Antwort
My Vivoactive is not displaying my steps, stress, or stairs on my watch anymore. All of a sudden each one disappeared within a few weeks of each other. What is going on? How do I get them back?
mtucker0121 - Antwort
My Vivoactive has stopped transferring my golf scorecard when I sync with my I phone. This worked previously
Harry Downie - Antwort
who sold display for Garmin Vivoactive HR in EU ?
ryszard - Antwort
The watch screen is stuck on low battery and is not rebooting even after holding the screen on/off button for 15 Sec + .
Kushvendra Tyagi - Antwort
My garmin vivoactive 3 is connected to phone but doesn’t sync my heart rate or sleep details
It says on my phone when I try to sync it that my device is busy?
can anyone help please?
Anna - Antwort
My watch did a spontaneous Reboot while I was in the shower and now it won”t turn back on.
Keena Sullivan - Antwort
My screen went black and it won’t turn back on or reset. Any suggestions for getting my watch to work again?
Eric Riewer - Antwort
Everytime I complete a run, for some reason I can’t press the done button!!!
AnthonyJB 05 - Antwort
Vivoactive HR touch screen not receptive to touch. Everything else works. Have reset it several times, but the touch screen is still not working. Putting in a new screen takes away the waterproof ability? HELP! please…
Sandy Leland - Antwort
My vivoactive keeps saying I am cycling when I am running. Have re-booted with 15 seconds button but no change
lucydeville99 - Antwort
My Garmin isn’t tracking my pace. It keeps saying connected to foot pod when I don’t even have one. It then tells me I’m running a 4 min mile
louhunter85 - Antwort
Non riesco a utilizzare il tasto posto sulla destra del mio smartwatch (quello che mi permette di andare negli sport), qualcuno saprebbe spiegarmi il motivo e come riuscire a utilizzarlo? Grazie mille
Nicola Furli - Antwort
My Garmin Vivoactive 3 displays a (!) beside yesterday’s scheduled workout - yet my Connect mobile app correctly shows the completed workout. It’s like my Android knows I completed it…but the device does not. I have synced it several times. Help???
diannesg1969 - Antwort
My garmin is only showing the top half of the numerals. What do I do?
pepfalcon - Antwort
My Vivoactive will not stop sending notificiation - it starts vibrating and they keep flashing on and off the watch screen as if they are stuck (calendar notifications and messages mostly). Is there a way to re-boot and fix this? It happens as soon as I switch my phone display on.
Renee Coughlan - Antwort
My watch does not register the golf course I am on. I tried re-booting phone and watch several times. The course is downloaded into app on phone.
Ross - Antwort
After the recent firmware update my vivo hr stopped displaying anything. It only shows the Garmin black background with lighted Garmin. The other all percent of the time is blank. As someone with a pacemaker and less than a handful of years left I've relied heavily on my Garmin to know what's going on. My pacemaker records and sends to my doctor but when things start going weird and hard to breathe- when my Garmin's said 154 I go horizontal. Now I don't have anything. I emailed technical support at Garmin 5 days ago and nothing
Karyn - Antwort
My garmion vivoactive 3 won’t accept a charge. All I get is a black screen. Code Blue ! What causes this? How can I get this fixed?
Tom Perkes - Antwort
my case broke at the band connector. can I replace the case? where do I find the part?
Frank Hanson - Antwort
Hello ,
I am having a hard time finding the settings for the custom response replies on the Viviosmart 4. Does anyone know how to find these settings?
Sheri Somerton - Antwort
My Garmin Vivoactive 4 screen will go blank,,, just a white screen, I can bring it back by touching the second button, but it happens all the time and I am not sure why it is doing it.
Randy Higgins - Antwort
I have also the same problem. How can I fix it. The screen isn’t working. And some apps isn’t working too.
michaeljohnilovecoffee - Antwort
I can't get my Garmin vivoactive HR to go to settings
Ronaldo Farmer - Antwort
I can't get my Garmin vivo active HR to go to
Ronaldo Farmer - Antwort
My keeps blipping the same thing over and over, tried to reboot multiply times, just goes back to blipping. It is keeping my steps, heart rate, sleep time and time but can only check it on my phone
nannawolff57 - Antwort
I have paired my Vivoactive hr with my smartphone and have Bluetooth symbol on the watch but can not receive texts and calls
Julie - Antwort
Garmin vibration alert is stopped suddendly for activity and notification, how to fix it.. but while switching on and off it vibrates
Maybe your Garmin product needs a new update, You can try <a href="https://garminexpressupdater.com/">garmin express</a> updates and then see if your problem is solved on not.
Garmin Updater - Antwort
My vivoactive wont take a software update. How do I fix this? I dont think the reset is clearing everything out
Christopher Schmidt - Antwort
My Vivoactive hr has stopped giving me a 10% battery notification and just suddenly dies! I am getting all of my other notifications and all the settings seem to be turned on. Any ideas,
jacqui.barnes - Antwort
My garmin keeps tell me to get busy when I have only been sitting for about 30 minutes
Martin Buck - Antwort
Hi. I was in the pool and suddenly the screen showed 3 number screen / faces over one another…
Zeta Booysen - Antwort
My garmin vivoactive is saying it needs to be connected to a phone to run an app even tho it is already paired to my phone. Any one else with this problem know what I can do?
Sophie Kerins - Antwort
My watch doesn’t accurately count stairs. It has me as 4 floors climbed and 11 descended. I go up and down my steps equally. The two should match. I think I’ve climbed and descended 11 floors taking the new puppy out.
robinkawczynski - Antwort
I can't find GPS in systems and my watch is not finding the GPS. Ideas?
Caroline Ducros - Antwort
Just played a round of golf with the vivoactive 4 for the first time. The golf activity just seems to keep stopping. Several times on each hole it asks if I want to resume round. It shows me as having multiple golf activities in Connect. It also does not count my steps during the activity. This did not happen with my old fenix 3. Any thoughts?
richja6201 - Antwort
Vo 2max not updating.
Pran Kaul - Antwort
My watch hands show the time 20 minutes in advance yet the digital time on the watch (which I can only see when I tap the face) is correct. I tried to reset but although the app says its connected via bluetooth, it is not connected.
Alison Horch - Antwort
My watch seemed to be paired with my phone, but I am not getting text messages. Notifications are turned on, and I get Facebook messages, but not phone text messages. ??
Carolyn Crocker - Antwort
My vivioactive 3 keeps losing my local golf course. No problem when I have my phone with me to re-sync but a nuisance if I forget my phone. For 18months this didn't happen but it is now every time I turn up.
Also frustrating that I cant see the time whilst in golf mode?
ciren963 - Antwort
I have a Vivoactive 3 and wonder why it can’t find a GPS signal. Do I have to activate something? The rest is all set up and works perfectly.
ukee50 - Antwort
Why is it registering incorrect information?
Eggs that I have climbed 32 flights of stairs when I know it's less than 10.
Melinda Schluter - Antwort
I can’t get my screen to move, ie change from time to anything else
Lynn Trussell - Antwort
My son's Vivoactive 4 watch just shows the time and the music setting when scrolling. Anyone know how to get the other stats back? Step count, stairs, heart rate, etc?
Heather Hughes - Antwort
My backlight will not respond at night to press the touch screen.
The backlight is very dim during day also. I tried adjusting in the setting mode.
can the backlight be replaced in my Vivoactive 3
Brian Joseph Ouellette - Antwort