Zu Schritt 1 der AnleitungSchließe die Augen und stell dir das bunteste und strahlendste Display vor, das du je gesehen hast. Mach dann die Augen auf und schaue dir Apples neuesten iMac Intel 27” mit Retina 5K Display an. Wir sprechen nicht von 1080p oder 4K, wir sprechen über 5K — Abermillionen von Pixeln auf einem 27- Zoll Display. Wird der Einsatz eines hochauflösenden Displays die Reparaturbewertung des neuesten iMac Intel 27" beeinflussen? Lasst es uns herausfinden!
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Was du brauchst
Wie kann man 14,7 Millionen Pixel kontrollieren? Du kannst höflich fragen, oder du kannst brandneue Hochleistungshardware verwenden. Im Inneren des Retina 5K iMac befindet sich:
3,5 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5 Prozessor, mit Turbo Boost bis zu 3,9 GHz
8 GB (2x4 GB) 1600 MHz DDR3 RAM
AMD Radeon R9 M290X Grafikprozessor mit2 GB GDDR5 Videospeicher
802.11ac Wi-Fi + Bluetooth 4.0
SSD Speicher mit PCI-Anschluss and SATA Festplatte
Man braucht ja nicht eine gute Modellnummer an einen einzigen Apparat zu verschwenden. Apple recycled schon wieder die Nummer A1419.
Auf der Rückseite des iMacs finden wir ein Bündel von Ein- und Ausgängen und einen einsamen SDXC Karteneinschub:
Kopfhörerbuchse / optischer Digitalaudioausgang
SDXC Karteneinschub
Vier USB 3.0 Buchsen
Zwei Thunderbolt 2.0 Anschlüsse
Gigabit Ethernetbuchse
You get to see just how cheap made in china piece of crap it really is
Which technology giant do you prefer instead that does not outsource its products to China? Please name one. Then after you can't give me a name of a single one, decide which one builds the best Made in China computer. You will see why Apple iMac has out-paced every other All-in-one computer. They are simply the best in their class (All-in-One).
Reparierfreunde freut euch! Der iMac Intel 27" Retina 5K Display behält die vertraute, leicht zugänglichen RAM Einschub zum Aufrüsten der iMacs von annodazumal bei.
Für diejenigen, die Hilfe beim Austausch der RAM Module benötigen, hat Apple eine Hilfestellung aufgedruckt. Die siehst du allerdings erst, wenn du schon halb fertig bist.
In diesem Schritt verwendetes Werkzeug:iMac Opening Wheel$7.99
Wir haben schon die Meisterschaft im Öffnen von iMacs mit unserem superschicken
PizzaschneideriMac Opening Tool und unserer vornehmen Plastikkarte. -
Das Verfahren erfordert immer noch eine ruhige Hand und die Bereitschaft, nach der Arbeit die vorgestanzten doppelseitigen Klebestreifen zu ersetzen. Andererseits ist es recht einfach und unverändert gegenüber den Vorgängermodellen.
Nachdem das Klebeband aufgetrennt ist, können wir den ersten Blick auf die Hardware im Inneren des Retina 5K iMacs werfen.
Yep! Here's how to do it on the Late 2013 model: iMac Intel 27" EMC 2639 Klebestreifen ersetzen.
It'll be the exact same procedure on the Retina 5K.
Your missing a pic… Where does the display connect to and how to remove it?
If you’re looking for step-by-step instructions, check here. Teardowns aren’t meant to be used as repair guides.
Der erste Schritt ist festzustellen, ob das 5K Display durch Magie funktioniert oder durch etwas, das sich zerlegen lässt.
Ein paar Umdrehungen unseres Schraubendrehers und eine sehr lange dünne Displayplatine kommt zum Vorschein.
My iMac Late 2013 (non-5K) display damaged need replacement and I'm about to order a new display assembly.
Silly question, can I replace the standard QHD display with 5K display - will it work?
Hi, have you make the change your iMac 27 "late 2013 with 5k ? i have the same and i don't know if works or not !!!
For any latecomers whom may be wondering if they can just swap in a 5k LCD panel into a non 5k iMac, the answer is NO - It will NOT work. See step #7... the LVDS connectors are different due to different bandwidth requirements.
Where would you buy a replacement 5K panel? If the controller board is damaged, can this also be bought separately?
I found one of my ribbons on this board is broken. Can't it be replaced?
Schauen wir auf die Hardware, die 14,7 Millionen Pixel mit einer Auflösung von 5120 x 2880 auf einem 27- Zoll Display ermöglicht:
Texas Instruments NH245 8-Bit Dual-Supply Bus Transceiver
Texas Instruments BUF16821 programmierbarer Gamma-Spannungsgenerator und Vcom Kalibrierer
Parade Technologies DP665 LCD Zeitkontroller
Texas Instruments TPS65270 Einchip Dual Synchron Abwärtsregler
Texas Instruments TPS65168 hochauflösender voll programmierbarer LCD TV Versorgungschip
Is there no way to hack this part to make it work like a standalone display?
I found one of my ribbons on this board is broken. Can't it be replaced?
I, like Roy, would like to know if there is an adapter board or pin-out for a displayport, or hdmi (doubtful), connector?
Perhaps we can squeeze in an ITX board in here one day with the Coffee Lake 4-cores show its age (with 16 core AMDs in ITX low-profile boards available!).
Abgesehen vom neuen Display sieht die Hardware in diesem iMac Intel 27" Retina 5K Display ziemlich genauso wie das letztjährige 27" iMac Modell aus.
Nachdem wir noch etwas tiefer eingetaucht sind, stellen wir fest, dass es fast exakt gleich ist.
Nachdem wir dieser Anleitung haargenau gefolgt sind, haben wir den Unterschied gefunden:
Das Displaydatenkabel des Retina 5Ks ist ein bisschen breiter — damit die Extrapixel durchlaufen können.
Now, to find an LVDS to DisplayPort adapter logic board... For, you know, those of us that want to swap in a low-profile ITX 16C Ryzen "proper replacement." ;)
Schauen wir mal, welche ICs auf das wohlvertraute Logic Board gepackt sind:
AMD Radeon R9 M290X GPU
Intel Core i5-4690 Prozessor
SK Hynix H5GC2H24BFR 256 MB GDDR5 SGRAM (256 MB x 8 Module= 2 GB insgesamt)
Delta Electronics 8904CF 143003
Intel DH82Z87 (Z87) Plattform Kontrollerchip
Fairchild Semiconductor DE32GV
There is not any cooler in the CPU. Nacked CPU? Maybe the i7 need a cooler and i5 could run without any cooler?
Very impressive to see a nacked CPU.
Well done iFixed!
They probably cleaned it for the purposes of photographing it.
jussnf -
jussnf is correct, we cleaned off the thermal compound to read the markings.
See Step 7 ... Logic board removal is another guide. There is a heat sink.
Could be very interesting the CPU replacement when the next core i7 appear!
But will be fully compatible?
Also could be interesting to buy this iMac, and later go up to the next Mac Pro generations and use this "old iMac" like a Retina Display.
Faiolo -
These new iMacs can't be used as external displays. The current version of DisplayPort can't handle the bandwidth necessary for 5k displays over a single connector, so Apple decided to cut the feature rather than only support 4k resolution, or require two connectors. So, the screen is stuck with this computer, and you can't use it with any other.
Cryo -
The CPU LOOKS upgradable!
can this be upgraded to the new 8 core i7 ???
Probably not. I believe the processor options available for this have 84 and 88 watt max TDPs, while the 8 core I7 is rated at using up to 140 watts. It would most likely not be able to dissipate the heat under load.
Cryo -
Is the headphone socket part of the right speaker assembly? It does not seem to be on the logic board.
Is the GPU removable for upgrade purposes ?
I would like to boost the graphics to handle VR :)
Is that an extra SATA port? Or is that one already used? I did the double SSD upgrade on my 2011- wondering if this one can do it.
It's a single SATA port... But, you don't want to touch that (or just use it for slow storage, like a cheap 2 TB QLC drive).
Instead, get an NVMe M.2 PCIe adapter, and plop in an PCIe 3.0 NVMe drive and enjoy ~2500 MB/s read/write.
Vorderseite des Logic Boards:
Broadcom BCM5776 Gigabit Ethernetkontroller
Cirrus Logic 4206BCNZ Audiokontroller
Intel DSL5520 Thunderbolt 2 Kontroller
Microchip Technology 1428-7 420BE5A BMY System Management Bus (SMBus) Temperatursensor
Intersil ISL6327 Verstärkter 6-Phasen PWM Kontroller
Here is the correct URL for the Intersil Buck voltage regulator: ISL6327 URL and here is the PDF Spec sheet: ISL6327 PDF
Unfortunately, that part number for the temperature sensor appears to be invalid. Microchip has no record of any such item. and that link doesn’t go to a product. I have a ticket open with Microchip to try to identify the part correctly, but haven’t heard back yet.
Got the 17,1 iMac and both the 820-3298 and 820-3299 boardviews are like this picture (except GPU RAM) but my board is different.
Looking at this picture at the bottom of the board there's the J2550. At its right-hand side there's one of the U7000 and different from the picture (and from the boardview) mine has its resistors soldered above it not around. And it was such a huge pain to get it right I don't even know how I managed to get my board working again - can only hope it'll be good enough to last a few years…
Das sieht doch ganz genauso aus wie die SanDisk PCIe SSD, die wir im MacBook Pro 13" Retina Display Ende 2013 gefunden haben.
Es ist keine Überraschung, dass wir die gleichen ICs gefunden haben:
SanDisk 05131 016G 16 GB NAND Flash (vier auf jeder Seite, insgesamt 8 x 16 GB = 128 GB)
Marvell 88SS91383 PCIe SSD Kontroller
What is this for? Sorry if this is a dumb question.
Apple's Fusion Drive - They combine the SSD and spinning drive into one logical volume. They use various heuristics to then keep the "most frequently used" files stored onto the SSD. Most of the system files wind up on it along with most of my docs it seems.
what connection port is this? the card looks longer than normal full length mini pcie, have a m2 kind of screwing notch, but connector look more like pcie
A used ssd from a Macbook Pro 13 late 2013 or newer will work with the late 2015 5k imac? And those adapters they sell on eBay to use a regular m2 ssd?
What’s the maximum capacity SSD?
Die AirPort/Bluetooth Karte, identifiziert durch ihre Modellnummer BCM94360CD, ist genau die gleiche wie die aus dem letztjährigen iMac Intel (27 Zoll):
Broadcom BCM4360KML1G 5G WiFi 3-Stream 802.11ac Gigabit Transceiver
Skyworks SE5516 Dual-Band 802.11a/b/g/n/ac WLAN Front-End Modul
Broadcom BCM20702 Einchip Bluetooth 4.0 HCI Chip mit Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Unterstützung
and what is the connection port for this?
is there any this port to pcie mini adapter?
iMac 27" Retina 5K Display Reparaturbewertung: 5 von 10 (10 ist am leichtesten zu reparieren)
Dank der rückseitigen Zugangsklappe lässt sich das RAM austauschen, ohne das Gehäuse zu öffnen.
Du kannst immer noch die Festplatte und die CPU im Inneren des Computers austauschen, wenn auch der Kleber aufgeschnitten werden muss.
Die Komponenten sind modular und recht leicht zu ersetzen.
Die Glasscheibe und das LCD sind verklebt, es gibt keine Magnete mehr, die die Scheibe festhalten.
Du musst das alte doppelseitige Klebeband peinlich genau ablösen und neues wieder anbringen, um diesen iMac wieder wie ursprünglich abzudichten.
A lot of people like me want to buy a standard config model from the store and then upgrade the RAM and Storage ourselves. This teardown story claims this can be done. But I wonder if more information about the storage can be provided.
The fusion drive looks like a regular hard drive with something plugged into the motherboard. What happens if we replace the regular drive with SSD. Does the Fusion SSD still operate independently, meaning more overall SSD storage? Is anything software related impacted?
I sort of answered my own question. I want to get the standard iMac so I can take delivery today which means getting a 1TB fusion drive. I was curious about upgrading the regular hard drive part of the fusion drive.
I'm not so bright so I didn't understand what PCIe was but now I see it is just a card. The Retina SSD is PCIe based....meaning, if you want to upgrade the SSD part of the fusion drive, you simply buy a larger PCIeSSD card. Google Mercury Accelsior E2
You can also upgrade the old HD part of the equation.
But here's the thing. There's something even better. You can throw these PCIe based SSD cards into an external enclosure and access then through the Thunderbolt port. That will give you the best possible performance..better than upgrading to Apple's SSD.
So the short answer is if you are in a hurry and want a new iMac retina 5K, go ahead an buy one knowing you can not only upgrade the internal SSD and HD but also access an EVEN FASTER storage solution via the Thunderbolt port.
Be wary of saying that thunderbolt will be faster than apple's internal disk speed. Because most thunderbolt cases have a PCIe 2.0 for each drive slot. You only start to get faster than the internal speed once you start striping drives. A PCIe 2.0 lane is about 500 MB/s with 20% taken for thunderbolt parity. My new 2TB EVO only gets about 370MB/s RW while my old RAID0 set of 2 junky drives gets about 660MB/s to 700MB/s
I plan to replace my ssd to samsung 950.
Would very much like to know: Can the stand be unscrewed and removed after disassembly? I see there are 3 screws on each side of the internal spring attachment but even if these are removed it is unclear to me if the stand can then be detached from the large metal backing if the screws / springs are removed. Does it appear as though it can be removed?
Yes it can be detached easily. but be careful its a long sensitive work to reach there and back.
Babak -
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47 Kommentare
Absolutely! Same procedure as last year's model: iMac Intel 27" EMC 2639 CPU austauschen.
Looks like you can upgrade to a new cpu (Haswell refresh probably) since it doesn't appear to be soldiered on
Thats unlikely, it depends on the mobo, i have not heard any confirmations of this so far.
Any idea what the part number is for the 8GB modules? This shows 4x2GB which is the standard. I ordered that memory configuration, expecting I can source new 8GB modules for less than Apple's price.
looks like 9to5mac found your answer http://9to5mac.com/2014/10/17/retina-ima...
Daniel -
Why didn't you click the link?
That's not wedge-shaped at all! Did find the wedge in question here.
wisacks -
I am wondering about the storage configs because there is a slot for a SSD and a hard drive so if I only get the SSD option from apple does that leave the HDD slot free for me to put something along the lines of a 6TB hard drive in there?
I'd also love to know the answer to this question!
Just got mine with an SSD, while I didn't tear it down, it's listed as SATA APPLE SSD SM0256F.
ZMonty -
This is also my thought. The Fusion drive is a HDD and a 128GB SSD, so would getting a 512GB SSD iMac and then adding your own HDD have the same effect. This question needs answering!
RaviJ -
the HDD area will be empty but will also be missing the cable, so you'll need to get the cable if you want to add a hard drive.
Do you know if there's a SATA and SATA-Power cable included in the non-fusiondrive therefore SSD only configuration of the iMac?
(based on the question above)
There is NO power/SATA cable supporting the 3.5" bay included in the SSD only version of the iMac Retina - you will only get the cable if you order the Fusion drive. iFixIt does not mention this and neither does OWC. I found out the hard way.
If you want to add an internal SSD you will have to source the Apple cable - I have yet to find it. If anyone can point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated!
The open power/SATA ports are facing the back of the machine and require 90% disassembly to access - as per iFixIt's guide.
The other issue could be that Apple reads the HD temperature from the drives they support - no support means that the iMac fans will run at 100% all the time. As far as I can tell, you can either run an app that overrides fan control or you can buy an OWC cable that fools the system - I believe that it merely short pins 2 and 7 to turn off this feature.
I moved from an older Mac Pro to the new iMac Retina and I am not a happy camper.
Can we imagine replace the display of iMac late 2013 (i7 GTX 780M Fusion Drive) with the retina 5k display ?
No, the displays are not compatible. The Retina 5K display has a different data cable.
im guessin about 2200 dollars profit on each unit
Awesome job like always.
I do have a question, where does the hot air goes, after is moved by that fan?
I ask, because I don't see any vents.
You can see the exhaust vent in the 2nd picture of step 3: iMac Intel 27" Retina 5K Display Teardown
It's located directly above the RAM access door.
I understand from other forums it's possible to disable the fusion drive setup via terminal commands. If you were to replace the stand 1TB hard drive with 1TB SSD, is it possible to then install OSX & Apps on the 1TB SSD and avoid having to use the SanDisk PCIe SSD ?
Also if you opt to purchase the iMac with flash storage only, flash storage would imply ssd rather PCIe SSD ?
I want to install a modified, (shortened), stand. It appears that the stand can not be removed as was possible with the original iMac using a credit card to unlock the mechanism. Is this correct? If so then the only way to remove the stand is to open the iMac up? If so, shame on Apple!
He 27" iMac had a lot of issues related to cooling leading to frequent burn outs of the graphics card (2011-2012). Do you have any comments on that wrt the new 5K iMac. I can see they changed the exhaust slots, etc.
I'm about to order a late 2015 27" with 512gb "Flash".
• Since there will be no HDD installed by Apple will there still be everything I need to install my own?
• If this is the case is there any reason why this drive couldn't be an SSD?
• 2.5" or 3.5"?
I have this same question on a late 2015 iMac 5K with an 256 internal flash disk. Right now, I have an additional external Samsung 1Tb SSD which I placed in a standard USB3 housing but it would be cool if it could go internally. If you find anything, I'd be glad to share.
I can't believe I even started reading this nonsense. What on earth does more pixels have to do with repairability? I think you people try too hard, seriously. The whole "review" business has turned into a huge joke. Oh look! A backplate! And this over here.. A PCIe SATA, not surprisingly something that they've used in a different model because WHY THE F*@K NOT?! Terrible. Absolutely terrible. Do you have to pretend to be a inane moron to write reviews or does it only help?
How hard would it be to change the iMac to a VESA compatible one instead of using the stand attached to most of them? You can't do this easily I am sure.
Can I replace the GPU
Beautiful explanation, charting, and breakdown!
all iMac 27 5K Late 2015 with PCIe SSD installed for default have a SATA port free?
2019 iMac 27" 5K Backlight Cable replacement?
Can you replace the glass panel without replacing the internal screen? My glass is cracked but otherwise, the monitor and everything else looks and works just fine.
Is the iMac’s built-in power cable receptacle removable in these models? I have completely gutted my 2015 5K and I can’t see any obvious way to remove it.