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Antwort auf „Logitech 510 Mouse does not transmit to computer.”
How to Use a Pre-Cut Adhesive Sheet
The guide is generally good, but it lacks the note in the end that you need do more actions to be able to put together the phone:
1) Carefully peel off the fingerprint sensor from back cover, make sure sticky bits still there
2) Connect fingerprint sensor to the frame of the phone
3) Place the sensor in its place (you'll see a tab there)
4) Re-place the back of the phone - it should click in on all sides and the fingerprint sensor will adhere back to its place
Also, beware VERY LOW QUALITY LCD replacements on Amazon. Terrible, horrible quality.
Canon EOS Rebel T4i Motherboard Replacement
That last top-right screw is actually impossible to remove - need to take off the top cover. Follow this guide:
Canon EOS Rebel T3i Top Cover Replacement
Canon EOS Rebel T3i Front Cover Replacement
oh man, stripped the long screwtop on the left side. Any ideas how to remove it? thanks for the guide!
Same here, how to remove this top-right orange 3.9mm phillips screw?
If top has to be removed, how to do that? It’s not visually obvious to me at the moment.
Also, really where to get the replacement MB?
Logitech M510 Teardown
I’ve actually seen a model of this same mouse where optics sensor is MODULAR with a ribbon cable. So much better for repairability!
Kindle 3 Battery Replacement
This is great! Thank you for the guide!
Withings Activité Pop Smartwatch Teardown
Great guide!! Is it possible to access the front face? I’d like to put some luminescent paint on it.